Consider the simple table of marginal abatement costs (MCA) given to the right.

   If both firms are given credits to cover 50% of their current pollution, they must either reduce pollution by 50% or purchase credits. At 50% abatement, marginal cost for Firm 1 is 50 while for Firm 2 it is 110. Since it cost Firm 2 110 for the last unit of pollution reduced at 50%, if it can purchase credits for under 110 per unit it will be better off. Furthermore, since it only cost Firm 1 50 for the last unit it removed at 50%, if it can sell credits for more than 50 it will be better off.

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Firm 1 % Abatement MCA Firm 2 % Abatement MCA
10 10 10 70
20 20 20 80
30 30 30 90
40 40 40 100
50 50 50 110
60 60 60 120
70 70 70 130
80 80 80 140
90 90 90 150
100 100 100 160