9. Which of the following are dominant strategies for the game shown in Figure 3?
  1. M for 1, R for 2 M can't be a dominanty strategy for Player 1 because she would choose T if she thought Player 2 were going to play L and she would choose B if she thought Player 2 were going to play R. Likewise R will only be used by Player 2 when Player 1 is expect to play M or B, but L will be played if Player 1 is expected to play T.
  2. M for 1, L for 2 M can't be a dominanty strategy for Player 1 because she would choose T if she thought Player 2 were going to play L and she would choose B if she thought Player 2 were going to play R. Player 2 will only use L if she believes that Player 1 will use T.
  3. B for 1, no dominant strategies for 2 B can be dominant for Player 1 because she would use T if she believed Player 2 were going to choose L
  4. R for 2, no dominant strategy for 1 R will only be used by Player 2 when Player 1 is expect to play M or B, but L will be played if Player 1 is expected to play T.
  5. There are no dominant strategies.

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