Chapter 15: The "Invisible Hand" and the First Welfare TheoremStatic GraphicsEach graphic opens in a new browser window. (Working Versions)Graph 15.1 Two Consumers behaving as One Unit Graph 15.2Aggregating Consumers with Quasilinear Tastes Graph 15.3abAggregate Consumer and Worker Surplus when Tastes are Quasilinear Graph 15.4abcThree Ways of Illustration Short Run Profit or Short Run Producer Surplus Graph 15.5abProducer Surplus in Labor Markets Graph 15.6abSurpluses in Output and Labor Markets Graph 15.7A Social Planner finding the "Optimal" Output X* Graph 15.8abThe First Welfare Theorem with more General Tastes Graph 15.9abSM (p) = 547,192 p2/3 and DM (p) = 40,000,000 / p2 from Graph 14.12e [superscripts M, 2 and 2/3] |